Freek De Craecker
The Wizard of Oz
After All Springville
Shakesqueer II
Hullabaloo Park
Ten Oorlog III
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
Fun Loving Humans
On The Horizon
The Big Loser Show
European Youth Capital
Ten Oorlog II
Ariadne auf Naxos
Bosch Beach
The Seagull
Les Hommes ou Filles? Oui
We All Go Rhythm
Bla Bla Blues
Traum Trash Vortex
Three White Horses
The Common People
Stories that we could have told
Bij De Buren
A Short Story about a Great Quest
Outtakes Athos Burez
Athos Burez
Shoot Tom Van Der Borght
The Plonge Club
Shoot 2 Tom Van Der Borght
Shoot Louis Kerckhof
Shoot Sander De Clercq
Ten Oorlog III
This summer, Camping Sunset will treat us to no fewer than three evening performances: part 1, part 2 and part 3 of Ten Oorlog. Each part is made and played in a different city (Ghent, Ostend and Antwerp respectively). During the marathon performance you get the chance to watch the three parts in succession. If you have seen Zomergasten or Happiness before, you know that Camping Sunset guarantees exciting location theater with a series of excellent young players who are also the creators of the piece. This summer the collective is venturing into Ten Oorlog – a monster performance in three parts – based on the theater text by Tom Lanoye and Luk Perceval, based on Shakespeare's War of the Roses. Camping Sunset wouldn't be Camping Sunset if they didn't bend this legendary adaptation. Little intimidated by the cult value of the original piece, the collective adds a large dose of camping punk and cuts and dices without mercy. The three parts are created according to the now well-known Camping Sunset recipe: a very short rehearsal process and a much longer playing time. Because an actor only really learns to play by playing a lot, for and with an audience. CREDITS Camping Sunset is Aimé Claeys, Ali Can Unal, Arne de Tremerie, Bjorn Floréal, Carine van Bruggen, Eleonore Van Godtsenhoven, Erica Van Mulders, Eva Bracke, Flor Van Severen, Freek De Craecker, Gilles Pollak, Hanne Nuyttens, Jana De Kockere, Ibtissam Boulbahaiem, Jesse Vandamme, Joeri Happel, Laurens Aneca, Lennert Boots, Lieselot Siddiki, Loes Swaenepoel, Louis Verlinde, Louise Bergez, Lucie Plasschaert, Menzo Kircz, Mitch Van Landeghem, Patricia Kargbo & Soraya van Welsenlin Siddikis Alexis Gerlach scenography Gilles Pollak technique Gilles Pollak & Hanne Nuyttens text editing Camping Sunset, free after Ten war by Tom Lanoye & Luk Perceval production and communication coordinator Eva Bracke social media manager Erica Van Mulders concept Camping Sunset Carine van Bruggen & Eleonore Van Godtsenhoven production Camping Sunset , CAMPO, Arts Center Voo?uit, Het TheaterFestival, TAZ, kleinVerhaal, KAAP, Mu.ZEE & De Grote Post with the financial support of d e Flemish Community, Culture Ghent-City of Ghent & City of Antwerp many thanks to everyone who contributed to make this project possible.