Hullabaloo Park

The traffic garden in the Vrijbroekpark is where generations of Mechelen residents learned their cycling skills. At the request of BROEK, the Belgian circus artist/performer Ruben Mardulier and his Norwegian colleague Micha Goldberg are creating a performance at that location for the first time. 

Get into a go-kart, put on your headphones and be completely captivated by audio guide Samantha, who tells compelling stories and gives absurd instructions while you drive in circles with a view to infinity. Sens Interdit is the first collaboration between Mardulier and Goldberg, two artists with a unique, humorous signature. 

By: Ruben Mardulier and Micha Goldberg • game: Ruben Mardulier, Micha Goldberg, Freek de Craecker and Margot Masquelier • photo: Camille Paycha